It's possible to put your talents to use by volunteering for a cause close to your heart. It doesn't matter if you're helping children learn to read or building a playground. Your contribution will make a difference.
Volunteering is a great way of expanding your social circle. Friendship, as we all know, is a vital component of any society. Volunteering is a great option if you're trying to figure out how to put your talents to good use. Volunteering is a great way to make a difference in the world.
Habitat for Humanity volunteer opportunities Normal IL is an organization that builds affordable houses for low income families. The ReStore, located in Bloomington, Illinois is a home improvement shop and donation center that sells new and gently used furniture, appliances and cabinets as well as home accessories.
Habitat for Humanity of McLean County invests the ReStore proceeds to help it fulfill its mission of eliminating low housing conditions in McLean County.
The Bloomington ReStore is open to all skills and passions. The ability to work with your hands, communicate with consumers, or use your knowledge of design or marketing are just a few of the reasons we want you on our team. Plus, you may come as often as you want; once a week, once a month, it's up to you. Plus, with each shift you work, you're aiding Habitat's efforts to provide decent, low-cost homes to families in need.
We'd love to have your help! We'll be delighted to meet you!